Tuesday, September 25, 2012


1. Due to the college fair, we only had three people in class, so we did not go ahead with our vocab or HEROES work....however, you should continue to read over and study your vocab words!

1. Due to the college fair, we were missing well over 3/4 of the class...we did NOT go ahead with our plans for literary terms, short stories, etc....you should make sure you are well prepared for the quiz which we will have on Thursday

1. For the first half of class, most of the class was at the college fair...for the second half of class, we worked on creating a mind-map for the first section of Beowulf, taking notes on a) nervousness of the men b) evilness of Grendel c) greatness of Beowulf d) religious references....if you were absent, MAKE SURE to take notes on your own, and match them up with a classmate's when you get back! Also, the assignment was to read the second section of Beowulf: The Battle with Grendel's Mother

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