Wednesday, September 25, 2013



Class was in the library today, finishing orientation activities....vocabulary homework was collected....please make sure to bring these words for Friday.....


1. Ms Wadsworth took the class for most of the time, since I was out chaperoning a college trip...but before I left, we took a quiz on part 3 of the story AND I assigned the paper (test for BEOWULF) which will be due next Tuesday. The paper topic is as follows:

Beowulf, written down for the 'common people' of that era, provided more or less a commentary on how to live and how to behave. It was, essentially, a benchmark of morality--and how to live a proper and moral life. Other than the Bible, BEOWULF was where people looked for guidance in a 'sin filled world.' 

For this assignment, I would like you to explore the idea of a present day Beowulf scenario. In our 'sin filled' and 'immoral' world, where do WE go to find morality and lessons on how to live? Where do we find examples of how to live a 'proper' life? What is OUR Beowulf? Please remember: Beowulf was considered a SECULAR (not affiliated with the church) work; therefore, I would like you to focus your answer, also, on a secular example. Be as specific in your argument as you can!!

2. Be prepared, also, to deliver your presentations next time!


1. Ms Wadsworth was your 'sub' today, as I was on a college trip. You were to read the ARABY story and answer the study question at the were also to work on your information maps for literary time, we will do a review on our lit devices in class, since you will be having a test next week!!!!

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