Tuesday, September 24, 2013


1. Due to the large number of students attending the college field trip, we changed our class plan around....
2. We did our silent reading
3. We read the short story "Araby" by James Joyce. This was done in class after a discussion about the predominant literary terms in the story. Please make sure to get the notes you missed if you were at the college trip. After reading the story (page 723 in the ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH LIT text book--the red one--you are to answer the first question in the 'study and discussion' section.
4. We will continue with the literary terms stuff next time...please be sure to do the assignment you missed

1. Silent reading...
2. HEROES by Cormier
-starting on page 26, read until you finish the chapter on page 47
-some of this was done aloud, with discussion, and some of this was done on own
-complete the information map while you read, taking notes that were listed on the board: 'the tenement,' 'Allan Rivier,' 'how Francis hides from the world.'
-you should have a couple of descriptions for each of these


1. Due to most of the class being absent because of the college field trip, we suspended our BEOWULF work for today; we will definitely continue next time, and you should plan on delivering your presentations that you would have delivered today. Also, you should make sure to have read section 3 THE DEATH OF BEOWULF!!

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