Wednesday, October 24, 2012


1. Ms Conroy's college essay unit....due on Friday.....begin documentary unit together....

1. Vocabulary Test
2. UMO in guidance....many of you went to this presentation....
3. "The Bet"
-with the time we had, we had a brief discussion of the story, lit terms, etc.
-collect literary device notes....
4. Due to time constraints, we will do our final story next time!
5. Paper--due next Thursday--assigned as the culmination of the short story unit...please have a working thesis for next class!:

How can a seemingly POSITIVE quality--such as loyalty, kindness, tenacity, etc--actually work towards DAMAGING a person's (or multiple people's) life? How can this seemingly good quality actually be "bad?" Use one or several stories we have read during this unit in order to explore this idea. Please note that a CLEAR THESIS is a must for this paper

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