Thursday, March 6, 2014


1. Sentence enrichment
-we did not go over the 'typewriter font' sheet...please bring that next time so I can collect it!
-look at sentence combining example of Carver's "A Small Good Thing" and notice the kernel sentence VERSUS actual sentence style....
-writing prompt in kernel sentences....then, switch with a partner and revise using semicolons, colons, appositives....
-Read Garrison Keillor's "Herb Johnson: God of Canton" (in class and on own). The purpose of this story (for us today) is for you to notice Keillor's sentence structure and the way in which he uses commas, semicolons, appositives, etc to ENRICH his sentences. What I want YOU to do is this: Find a group of sentences in the story that you think you could ENRICH by combining with semicolons, colons, dashes, or appositives....on one side of your paper, write the sentences EXACTLY as they appear in Keillor's story....on the other side of the paper, write YOUR REVISION. I want you to do this THREE TIMES (so, in other words, you are picking out three sections of the story to revise and enrich sentences). Please do not wait until the break before class on Monday to tell me you dont understand this! Come see me beforehand if you do not get this assignment!

1. Test on last three chapters (open note)
2. Review "A Dangerous Adventure"
3. Read "The Farm  in the Clearing" and "A Night on the Mountain" for next time....also, do the take home "test" which will be collected!!


1. Cultural Literacy
-read "50 Cliches of Gray" article from NPR
-you have your own cultural literacy test on the phrases we took down earlier in the week (Catch 22, etc) on MONDAY
2. Sentence Enrichment
-reviewing worksheet and finish for next time

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