Friday, March 14, 2014


**Due to the snowday yesterday, some things have changed....PLEASE READ ALL CLASSES**

1. No reading assignment tonight...we will continue on Tuesday
2. We took the vocab quiz today
3. Reminder of the paper which is due on Tuesday (Must be AT LEAST one FULL page) "Granpa in our book is very cynical and negative towards the 'government' and politicians. What about our culture, society, country, school, etc are YOU very cynical and negative towards? Give me your educated opinion!"
4. We did some research in class today on 'controversial' people, events, and programs in our nation's were to research two and answer the questions on the board (you should have written this down). This is due on Tuesday as well

1. Since your class is 3500 classes ahead of the black day, please be sure to have your paper for Tuesday. Either respond to the prompt "What would you do if you weren't too afraid?" or Write about whatever you want. BUTTTT be sure to have the two focus correction areas addressed: a) a good intro with backstory, general info, and thesis b) AT LEAST five UNDERLINED 'enriched' sentences (semicolons, appositives, colons, etc)


1. myeah.......

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