Thursday, November 8, 2012


1. Grammar
-exercises in "green book" to review our nouns, verbs, and adjectives
-we will have a quiz on parts of speech next week
2. Vocabulary
-we will work on reviewing words next Wednesday....but there is the test next FRIDAY

1. Same plan as orange day....please use the time off (I wont see you until next Wednesday) to work on completing some college applications!!

1. TAKE NOTE: Whether you were absent from class today because of vocational OR other reasons, you are EXPECTED to be check this blog and complete the are responsible for it on Wednesday. Tell your friends if you were in class today!
2. College Essay
-worked briefly on writing good leads in your paper
-introduced the DAQS method for writing leads (D stands for dialogue....A stands for anecdote...Q stands for question....S stands for shocking statement). An "anecdote" is a short, humorous, true story....dialogue is conversation....shocking statement means you begin with something to REALLLLLLLLY catch the readers attention...something very surprising, shocking, funny, random, crazy, etc!!
-for Wednesday's class, you are to simply rewrite the first sentence of your "clothes" essay four times....write one lead sentence with dialogue...write one lead sentence with an anecdote, and so on....
2. Continue studying and reviewing your OWLS because the test for this will be next FRIDAY

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