Tuesday, November 27, 2012


1. Mr Lessard presents on his antiques in order to model good technical "direction" giving....
2. REMEMBER: your own papers (directions on how to do something you know well) need to be given to me as soon as possible!

1. Same as orange day....I took your clothes essays...your free choice college essays are due on Monday....

1. Mr Goldsmith bangs his head on his desk
2. College essays
-lesson/notes on sentence variety and alternating sentence beginnings....
-complete worksheets/rewrite model essays to reflect better sentence variety
-in your own essay (which is due today!) please go through and change at least four of your sentences so they start with either an appositive, a participle phrase, an adjective, or a prepositional phrase
3. Consider buying a Count of Monte Cristo copy (abridged....translation by Lowell Bair)
4. If you are reading this blog, you are awesome, because it means you are showing care and concern for this class. You will succeed. Tell your friends and classmates to do the same!

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