Thursday, January 12, 2012


As you know, I will be out at a conference in Augusta today. As I write this, it is still snowing out and it is 8:30. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring for you: Delay, no school, alien invasion, Armageddon, etc....HOWEVER, if we do have school, you will have ALL your classes, in order that each teacher can see you before midyear exams. So here is the deal for all my lovely classes....

HONORS: Use your time today to do one of the following things: Work independently to finish THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO....remember that this will greatly help you as you write your midyear exam class response. Another choice you could make is to work with your partner to finish the awesome projects you are working on. If the sub/Mrs Lucas gives the OKAY for you to go to the library for a bit, then that is fine with me. Another option you could choose would be to have some trusty kid meander on down to the library and pick up the copy of THE COUNT movie....we are not watching this in class, but you might want to check it out as a group to watch some selected scenes. REMEMBER that all classes will present their projects on the first class after midterm exams

ENGLISH 12: You folks lucked out, since you were SUPPOSED to have a test on Ch 1-10 of I AM THE CHEESE. Here is what you should do today: On the left corner of my desk is a rack where I keep all your class folders, etc. There, you will find a copy of the test for ch 1-10. Work on this in class....although it WILL NOT count as a test. Instead, use it for a review, since doing so will help you on the midyear exam. Also, you should read the next two chapters (ch 11 and 12). They are short chapters. Be sure to bring YOUR BOOK to the midterm exam. And, also, study the last three vocab lists!!!

FRESHMEN ENGLISH: You did not have a reading assignment due today. I was only asking you to be studying your "stuff" for the midterm exam. During class today, I would like you to work on getting your notes in order so you can study (last three vocab....literary devices...short story notes...etc.). Read the next two chapters (Pine Billy and To Know the Past)....use time in class to begin reading these...make sure you have these two chatpers read for when you come into the midterm exam....the writing question I ask you will be on these two chapters!

CREATIVE WRITING: As we talked about last time, do one of two things today. First, use the class as a "woodstock" (Please tell the sub what this means so she doesnt think I am crazier than she already thinks I am...) to work on your final piece of writing. You can use some class time to watch BIG FISH, although, remember, you only have a 38 minute class, and I really want to watch the film with you! Ha Ha

(To my sub: THANKS!! I am presuming that you, Mrs WInslow, are still my sub for today. If someone else is reading this, my apologies. I spoke with Jen McCowan, and she told me she would apprise you of all you needed to know. She said she would get out my sub folder for you, but, in the event that something has gone awry, my sub folder--containing rosters, etc--can be located in the bottom right corner drawer of my is labeled SUB FOLDER. I hope all goes well for you today! Have a great day!!--Jared)

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