Monday, December 5, 2011


1. PLEASE look at Friday's BLACK DAY blog for a good explanation on your next paper....I promise to devote time on Wednesday to workshopping this idea and topic with you.
2. In today's class, we took the pop quiz through ch 33
3. We went over other good notes to know (Calvacatti, Valentine, etc....)
4. We read "ethos" article from MEN'S HEALTH magazine
5. I explained the "weirdness" of this week, and how things are all in flux....basically you should be working on two things this week: Your paper and catching up on the need to be through ch 41 by Friday......
6. See me if you have any questions....this is a good week to use to catch up on stuff with the book!

1. New vocab words....test on Friday
2. Paragraph writing
-notes on topic sentences and paragraph unity
-worksheets on topic sentences
-brainstorming paragraph ideas...
-for next class, you need to write two half page paragraphs....the first one is "The worst thing about girls/boys" (pick either boys or girls) and the second one is free choice, "My favorite teacher," or "What I do over CHristmas vacation" or "the worst things about school"

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