Friday, December 2, 2011


1. Take vocab test with five point bonus offering
2. "Quitters Inc"
-take intro notes on story
-begin reading....stop to define certain words (pragmatist, for example!)
-we stopped together and we will all finish the story on Tuesday.
-There will be an 'in class' quiz on the story on Tuesday

1. Your vocab quiz has been postponed until Tuesday...prepare for it!
2. "Monte Cristo"
-go over the latest chapters by taking "mock" quiz and going over AND looking at photocopied study guide to discuss Cavalcantis, Valentine, etc....
-as a class, go through and find examples of how the Count uses ETHOS to reach his 'audience'...go over some of the examples you found....we will continue with them next time!
-Paper topic:

Argue that the rhetorical device of ETHOS is not only alive and well in our culture, but also that it is integral for impacting and influencing a particular function of our society.

(I will be OUT on Tuedsay at college visits with the juniors....Mrs McCowan will be in for me....she is going to help you folks work through this idea. At this time, I am not giving you a due date, since I want to discuss this stuff with you when I return. However, you should consider how we see ethos manifested in our culture in terms of politics, sports, comedians, bands, teachers in this school, etc!! This paper will be due probably, for you folks, NEXT Monday)

3. Your assignment for THURSDAY when I get back is to be through chapter 41 of the book. You have two class periods to do this....use the time to catch up if you need to!!!!

4. SEE ME if you are confused by any of this!!!

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