Tuesday, December 8, 2009


College Prep

1. College Essay
-"English Journal" article
-"voice activities" writing from different points of view
-brainstorm 10 favorite items of clothing (clothing can be clothes, jewelery, lucky charms, sporting equipment, etc!)
-For next class: Write the essay of "How does your clothing define you as a person?" This is your first graded assignment. Make sure to have it PRINTED OUT BEFORE you enter the classroom!

Honors English

1. Beowulf
-introductory notes on Beowulf, Anglo Saxons, etc
-read section 1 "The Battle with Grendel"
-take notes on the religious imagery we see in this section

English 12

1. MacBook training
2. 20 minute in class response to one of the "questions" from last Friday....basically, write about YOU where YOU are the main subject. You are being graded on voice.

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