Monday, September 21, 2009

Black Day

Honors English
1. We got new vocabulary words for a test that will be FRIDAY
2. "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson was started in class. For FRIDAY (because guidance is coming in on Wednesday) please do the following:
a. read the story
b. write (TYPE!) your answer to the following response: Is the idea of "tradition" in our
culture more harmful than good? Traditions have the "intent" of being positive parts
of our life....but can they be totally negative things? Discuss.
c. compile a list of "traditions" we have in our life that we do....even though they might make
little sense (Halloween, Easter egg hunts, etc) to us.

Public Speaking
1. Debrief George Lessard "talk"
2. Introduced "teaching project" speech which is to be delivered on FRIDAY
3. We started the discussion about the idea of "direction giving" and clear articulation in speech. There were handouts here if you were absent. The handouts had many good (and bad) examples of direction giving.
4. The "Back to Back" activity was postponed....we'll do it on Wednesday. We were missing several folks, and we didnt have enough time to adequately do it. Instead though, Little G entertained us with his adventure stories.....

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