Friday, March 23, 2012


Happy Friday on this lovely midsumer day. Mr Goldsmith HATES sunny and warm weather. He is depressed over it. Anyway, here is what we did or whatever....

1. Same as black (but you knew that). Please be sure to read 3.1 so you can kick butt on the SAW quiz on Tuesday....also, take advantage of the special offer to get a hundred on a quiz if you recite ten lines. Okay? Thank.

1. You all make me so happy
2. Grammar
-go over p 19 exercises
-p36 review ex b and exercise 24 (24 is tough....and it helps you become a better writer....really work on understanding this one!!)
-collect response that was due today...if you are using tech day, I must have it on MONDAY
-work on memorizing that list of linking verbs for a test next THURSDAY
-due Tuesday: "Write a one page response on anything you must include TEN underlined adjectives and FIVE circled adjective phrases/appositives!
3. Romeo and Juliet: Consider buying your own copy....this way you can write in it, etc. Fun!!!

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