Monday, May 3, 2010


1. Hamlet
-Discuss "psycho" quote, read USA Today article on Appearance vs Reality, discuss implications for paper, which is due after we finish the film portion of HAMLET.
-Paper: "How is the conflict of Appearance vs Reality played out in Act 4 and 5 of HAMLET?" To do this, you should examine how certain characters....
1. seem a certain way to us, but in reality are different
2. seem a certain way to each other, but in reality are different
3. seem a certain way to THEMSELVES, but in reality are not
4. How is the story completely misconstrued or misinterpreted?
5. You own opinion on the story that goes against the status quo and supports A vs R
**The above are merely suggestions for you!

1. View video version of "The Ledge"
2. Writing time: Work on your own "expanded moment" piece!

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