Thursday, October 29, 2009

Orange Day

1. We took the vocabulary test
2. "A Rose for Emily:" We took time in class to read and discuss the story...we went over the "clues" present in the story that make the ending more believable. There was a response assigned that is due Monday, and the expectation is that this is to be done EVEN IF you haven't finished the story-->What happens to people in our society who go against the status quo? Provide your own opinion, backed up by examples.

1. We took vocabulary test
2. I collected the "CS Lewis" paper, which was due today
3. "Once more to the lake" was assigned. To promote our new technology (Macs), you are to find the essay (google is an easy one to find!), read it, and respond to TWO of the examples of symbolism I wrote on the board. If you missed class, come see me to get them.
4. "Halloween in Literature" discussion.....
5. For Monday, PLEASE bring some examples of college essay questions you've seen!


1. We revisited "The Lottery," discussing traditions and typological names
2. We viewed a powerpoint presentation about three levels of question generating. Hopefully you took good notes
3. Worked in groups to develop 3 literal questions, 5 inferential questions, and 5 transcendent questions. These questions are to be on a film, book, or show of your choice. Whatever you didnt finish in groups is due on is a participation grade....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Black Day

1. Reminder of vocabulary test on Wednesday
2. Writing: Focus on introductory paragraphs....share paragraphs written as "models" of good backstory and details....look at examples from "traditions" paper
3. OWLs from the last paper you wrote were reviewed. Remember, these are mistakes you made on your papers. From this point on, you will be doubly penalized for making the same mistakes again!
4. Start rounding up all your college stuff for our college essay writing unit which will begin next class!

1. Mystery Story: Listen attentively (oral interpretation) to figure out what is going on
2. Speech Improvisation involving "pitching" bogus products (toothpaste, velcro sneakers, wonderbread, etc.). Make your product believable, interesting, and marketable!
3. We went to the library to do research on your product for the "ad consultant" project. This will be due in two classes.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Orange Day

1. Cake for BK
2. "The Bet:" We did all notes regarding the story...."moral continuum" was done in small groups to determine what changed the lawyer from being arrogant and money-hungry to a misanthrope...
3. Talk about laptops and the expectations I have for our class!
4. Vocabulary test is on Tuesday

1. Vocabulary words for test next Thursday (the last one of quarter 1)
2. "Halloween Literature" and analysis......

1. Combined test on vocabulary words and "Thank you for smoking." You could use your notes for this.
2. "The Lottery:" Notes on "contrasting images"......copy down questions regarding the story in class today and answer the three questions I posed to you.
3. "Laptop talk" and expectations in this class. If you did not get a "sheet" with these expectations, see me for one.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Black Day

1. New vocab words for test next Wednesday
2. Paper was due today. If you were absent, it must be into me by TOMORROW (not Monday). That is the school's (and my) policy
3. Writing: We focused on introduction writing....there was a handout that went with this....please follow directions and write an AWESOME introduction for next class.
**There's a lot of stuff coming up, with the end of the term nearing us.....we have a vocab test next week, a short story test coming up, and the beginning of our college essay unit waiting "in the wings." Lots of stuff going on....come see me if you have any questions!

1. Daily speech: "The thing about laptops is this...."
2. Buzz words in speech....Chinese food restaurant naming matrix.....share buzz words
3. Introduce advertising consultant project....we'll probably be in the library on Monday, but come here first!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Orange Day

1. O.W.L. Test
2. Vocab words for test NEXT TUESDAY
3. "The Bet" by Anton Chekhov: We started by answering opinionated questions on the death penalty versus life imprisonment, etc. We began the story in class, reading aloud. For next class, you should finish the story AND take PHYSICAL notes on the literary devices used in the story. This will be checked off for class participation

1. "A&P:" We finished up the story with a brief discussion of perceptions, etc. We took notes on the story.
2. We did a writing lesson involving the construction of awesome introductions in papers. There was a handout to go along with this
3. Paper was assigned, and it is due next Tuesday: CS Lewis said "we read because we want to know we are not alone." Apply this quote to a story (or stories) we have read this far. The major focus correction area for this is, of course, an awesome introduction

1. We took the O.W.L. test
2. We finished up the film "Thank you for smoking." You should expect a quiz on it on Friday.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1. "A&P:" The story was to be read for today (per Mr Lessard last Friday). We did the activities pertaining to the story, including the discussion of "perceptions" verses merely "seeing." We had a discussion of the story as a class, and discussed the transcendent issues available in the story.
2. Point, Question, Connect: We learned this strategy for responding to literature.
3. Paper due on Thursday: C.S. Lewis said "we read to know we're not alone." Respond to this idea by applying it to one (or more than one) story we have read thus far in our short story unit. If you need help or clarification with this, PLEASE come see me

1. "Advertising character" quiz (for fun, not graded!)
2. Analysis of commercial advertisements....discussion of what is (and is not) effective in commercials
3. We will have our next project assigned to us on Thursday. Also, be prepared to do a DAILY, as we havent had one in a LONG time....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Orange Day

1. Paper due on "traditions"
2. "In the Twilight:" The story was to be read for today. We took notes on the story and discussed the "bigger picture" of making inferences about characters.
3. OWL test will be FIRST THING on Wednesday. We should have had it today....

1. OWL test will be first thing on Wednesday
2. We got new vocabulary words today. There will be a test on Friday.
3. "Thank you for smoking:" We began this movie in the context of persuasive writing and argumentation you will be doing this year. Be sure to be taking notes on the film. There will be a test and a paper due on it.

1. Point Question, Connect was taught as a way to respond to literature
2. "A&P:" We read this story and discussed the idea of "perceptions" in literature. We "PQCd" to the story and went around to share. There is a response due on Wednesday:

"A&P is largely a story of perception...meaning that what Sammy 'perceives' affects his decision to be rational (in his mind) or irrational (perhaps in our mind). Explain how Sammy's perceptions are the impetus for him to make the decisions he makes in the story. HOw does what he 'sees' affect his actions? Furthermore, you should address the question as to if he made a foolish (or not foolish) decision based on these perceptions. As always, use evidence and quotes...."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Orange Day

1. "The Lottery:" We took notes on the story, discussing symbolism, "the box," Tessie, typological names, etc. A paper was assigned for Monday, where you are to respond to the following: Traditions in our society are often seen as healthy, positive, and beneficial things. But make the argument that "traditions" can be harmful to a society or group of people. This is due on Monday.
2. "In the Twilight:" We began the story in class. You are to finish this for homework. Pay attention to inferences you can make in the story
3. Don't forget that your O.W.L test is on Monday! Study your list


1. Mr. Cyr came in and told me I smile too much and would thus never make it at Annapolis
2. "The Birthmark:" We took notes on the story. Be sure to copy them if you were not here (Amanda...haha). We then broke into groups to discuss the ideas of perfection in nature, as well as other transcendent questions. We will go over these on Monday.


1. We took the BEOWULF test today. I will have these corrected for next class
2. Because some people took the whole time, we did not start anything new. We will begin our short story unit on Monday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Black Day

1. "The Birthmark" by Hawthorne
-collect responses
-do notes on story, involving Romanticism, conflicts, struggle between faith and science, etc
-group reflective questions/sharing of transcendent issues

2. No new assignment

1. "Thank You For Smoking"
-finish up film
-write a response (1-1.5 pages) for Friday's class

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Orange Day

1. O.W.L. list for quiz on next Monday
2. The Lottery: We quickly broke into groups to discuss weird/strange traditions we have in our culture. We will apply these to the story on Thursday. No new assignment for tonight.

1. We viewed a powerpoint presentation on three levels of question generating for literature. After the powerpoint, we broke up into groups in order to develop original literal, inferential, and transcendent questions based on a favorite movie or show.
2. "The Birthmark" by Nathaniel Hawthorne was started. Preliminary discussion about the story. For next class, please do the following: Create an original inferential question, and respond to this question in writing.

1. O.W.L. list given for test next Monday
2. Beowulf: THe worksheet for part 3 "The Death of Beowulf" was given out. Follow the directions to finish this sheet. The TEST will on Thursday. STUDY FOR THIS! Know all the history of Beowulf, look over study guides, notes, etc. We will go over the "death" worksheet on Thursday before the test.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Black Day

1. O.W.L. test
2. Question Generating
a. finish powerpoint presentation on literature questions
b. work in groups to develop levels of questions....share questions as a class
3. "The Birthmark" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
a. read story for next class
b. crafted response: Create an inferential question based on "The Birthmark" and respond to the question. Be sure to use QUOTES from the story to incorporate in your response

Public Speaking
1. View "Thank You For Smoking." Be sure to take notes as there will be a written response about this.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Orange Day

College Prep English
1. Beowulf test
2. Short Story Unit- We began this today with the story "The Lottery"
a. we took notes on "contrasting images"
b. read the story for next class, and take PHYSICAL notes on contrasting images you see in the story

Honors English

1. Test on O.W.L words
2. "The Bet"
a. discussion of "loneliness" and the "20 million dollar" question. Discussion of "Murder in the First"
b. Classwork: Design a continuum showing how the lawyer went from through his character "transformation" in the story. What tangible things led him to be a misanthrope?
c. Discussion of predominant literary device used in story, along with "hubris" and "internal and external conflict"

English 12
1. Beowulf
a. collect/go over notes that were supposed to have been taken over section 2
b. take additional notes on "signs of arrogance" Beowulf has show thus far in the story
c. OFFICIALLY assign paper. This is due NEXT TUESDAY IN CLASS. Remember: you get one tech day per semester
d. go over how to achieve success with the focus correction areas of the paper: Intro paragraph, and three concrete examples from the book
e. Read the final section of Beowulf "The Death of Beowulf" for Tuesday. We will have the Beowulf test on Thursday of next week!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Orange Day

College Prep English

1. Beowulf

a. papers are due!

b. timeline and true/false chronology based on "The Death of Beowulf"

c. review of "Epic Hero" graphic organizer

d. groupwork on "modern Beowulf" and bringing the story into a "societal context"

e. Beowulf test is THURSDAY! Study for this! Know hero motif, historical notes, text, etc.

Honors English

1. OWL sheet on misused words.....the test on this will be THURSDAY!

2. "The Bet"

a. pass out story

b. read for next class

c. write (in note form or paper) about the predominant literary device used by Chekov in the story

English 12

1. Beowulf

a. We went around the room and shared our "hero" paragraphs. This was a class participation grade. A surprisingly large number of you are bonking the class participation portion of class lately.....why?

b. Took notes on "conventions of a hero story." Make sure you have them in order

c. Viewed "Clash of the gods: Beowulf" on The History Channel

d. For next class: Take written notes on section two "The battle with Grendel's mother." Your notes should address the three following areas

-the setting of the lake.....details about it

-the differences between this fight and the one with Grendel

-evidence of Beowulf as a "supernatural hero"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Black Day

Honors English
1. O.W.L (ongoing writing list) list
a. make sure to have a separate section of your notebook for this
b. test on these "writing tools" will be on Friday!
c. you are now responsible for NOT MAKING THESE MISTAKES in your writing.....

2. "The Bet" by Anton Chekov
a. we played "4 corners" as we discussed issues of capital punishment vs life imprisonment, etc.
b. read the story for Wednesday and write up notes about a predominant literary term apparent in the story.

Public Speaking
1. Practice a "daily" speech incorporating two signs of confidence from your notes
2. Speech in advertising
a. brainstorm famous ads and slogans
b. begin notes (but we didnt get too far)
3. ****IMPORTANT**** Get your permission slip for "Thank you for smoking" to me by Wednesday or you CAN'T watch the movie in class!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Orange Day

College Prep

1. Beowulf
-we shared our "hero" paragraphs aloud as a class. They were a participation grade
-discussion/notes on hero conventions, stereotypes, and norms
-formal assignment of Beowulf paper...this is due TUESDAY!!
-graphic organizer worksheet/chart to work on in groups...charting the course of an epic hero story
-MAKE SURE YOU HAVE "THE DEATH OF BEOWULF" read for Tuesday. Expect a quiz???

Honors English

1. "In the Twilight"
-Guided response: How do inferences made in the story contribute to the conflict of man vs. self?
-discussion on inferences....characters we want to know more about
-integrate vocabulary words into writing response (this takes place of formal quiz)
-"In the Twilight" Points to Ponder study guide. We started going over this. We'll finish up on Tuedsay, but you are expected to KNOW the elements of this guide!

English 12
1. Beowulf
-notes given on section 1-"The battle with Grendel." Copy them from a friend if you missed class
-For Tuesday, make sure you read "The battle with Grendel's mom." You should have done this already! Also, (and you should have done this already too!) make sure you have your "hero" paragraph, as we'll be discussing them in class. This counts as a participation grade!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Black Day

Honors English

1. "In the Twilight" was to be read for today. You were to take notes on character inferences you could make about Bruce. There was an in class essay with the following prompt: "How do the character inferences one can make support a conflict of man versus self?" We discussed the story using the "points to ponder" sheet I passed out. Also, I told the "Dickde" and "puppet" story. Good stuff.

2. Public Speaking
Began discussion of "signs of confidence." We took notes on these so make sure you have them. We will use these signs of confidence throughout the semester.....they are WICKED important